MB&B Policy for Graduate Students on Vacation and Travel

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From www.mbb.yale.edu/grad/reqts


The Departmental policy regarding student vacations conforms to the stipulations of the federal training grants that provide support for most first through third year students. The excerpt below appears in an announcement of regulations contained in the application material for NIH National Research Service Award Institutional Grants (i.e. training grants), dated May 16, 1997: In general, trainees may receive stipends during periods of vacation and holidays observed by individuals in comparable training positions at the grantee institution. For the purpose of these awards, however, the period between the spring and fall semesters is considered to be an active time of research and research training and is not considered to be a vacation or holiday. The total vacation time that a student may take is negotiable with the thesis adviser, but in general it is expected that the student would take no more than two weeks vacation beyond the stated University holidays and the Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day break. In no case may vacations conflict with any academic or teaching obligations (see Teaching Assignments, p. 12). Note that research labs operate throughout the year, often with little regard for University holidays and breaks. Students should transition from a “school” schedule to a full-time and selfmotivated research schedule as early as possible.


Limited funds, provided either by the student's training grant or by department sources, are available to reimburse expenses incurred by the student in attending scientific meetings or courses. The form required for requesting such support is available from the departmental graduate registrar and from both business offices and requires the approval of the student's research advisor and the DGS. Students supported by outside fellowships that include research allowances apply directly to the MB&B Business Offices for travel reimbursement (or advances) 26 and do not use the student travel funds. Research grants awarded to the student’s advisor will usually cover the remainder of such costs.

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