Selected Press Coverage for the ABCD paper in Cell
From GersteinInfo
This page summarizes media coverage and associated material for the publication of our "ABCD" paper in Cell, "Digital phenotyping from wearables using AI characterizes psychiatric disorders and identifies genetic associations"
Main PR Material
Using smartwatches to better understand psychiatric illness (Yale Press Release)
Good Morning Connecticut interview (News 8, January 15, 2025)
Yale researchers use AI in studies regarding heart and mental health (News 12, 4 Feb. 2025)
Wearables may offer clues to psychiatric diagnoses (Yale Alumni Magazine Mar/Apr 2025)
Smartwatches to better understand psychiatric illnesses and their genetic basis (Press release from University of Barcelona - January 20, 2025 - English)
Rellotges intel·ligents per comprendre millor les malalties psiquiàtriques i les seves bases genètiques (Press release from University of Barcelona - January 20, 2025 - Catalan)
Relojes inteligentes para comprender mejor las enfermedades psiquiátricas y sus bases genéticas (Press release from University of Barcelona - January 20, 2025 - Spanish)
Press release by EUREKALERT in English and Spanish. Also artwork here and here.
Video by University of Barcelona describing the research. [Instagram] [YouTube] [LinkedIn] [BlueSky]
Coverage on major Spanish & Catalan radio outlets:
Las mañanas de Radio Nacional de España (RNE) (Spanish)
Nits de Ràdio en Onda Cero Catalunya (Spanish & Catalan; from minute 28:47)
Social Media
@CellCellPress tweet of the paper
Mark Gerstein tweet of the paper
Yale BIDS tweet of the project
Other Stuff
YouTube video summary of the paper
A useful slide pack on AI for Brain Disorders.
Some fun images from S Liu: 1 and 2
Summary image from the paper