Papers Page Code
From GersteinInfo
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Generate publication documents from SpreadSheet
"Papers Page" is generated from two google spreadsheets, "Papers Master" and "Papers Subjects". "Papers Master" stores basic information about each paper. Papers are affiliated to some grants. "Papers Subjects" stores information about each grant.
Here is a list of the tags and their meanings:
<UniqueData> - enclosing element for all the tags
<PMID> - PubMed id
<labtitle> - title of the article
<labcite> - citation of the article (author, journal, year, etc)
<Authors> - authors in [First Initial] [Lastname], ... format
<Journal> - journal that the article appeared in (may also be specified by <MedlineTA>)
<Year> - year the article was published
<Volume> - volume of the journal that article appeared in
<Pages> - pages of the volume that the article appeared in (may also be specifed by <MedlinePgn> or <bookdata>)
<ignore/> - whether the article should appear in the main index
<labid> - id by which to refer to the article
<website> - supplemental website
<website2> - second supplemental website
<sortval> - relative ordering of the article on the main index (high = early)
<preprint> - URL of the preprint file
<target> - currently reserved for NESG papers
<subject> - currently reserved for NESG papers
<grant> - specifies the grant(s) funding the paper (e.g. "cegs,keck")
Here is a snapshot from "Papers Page" & "Papers Subjects":
labid | PMID | title | citation | preprint | subject | website | Year | footnote | website2 | |
metamembrane | 20430783 | | interactions | | 2010 |
Automatic generation of publication documents from SpreadSheet
Rebuild and Further (private) Info
Old Code Page
Redirect Papers Page Code Old