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Post-doctoral Position in Bioinformatics at Yale

Applicants are invited for a post-doctoral position at Yale University. The position is for two years with possible extensions. Choice of project would to some degree depend on the applicant's interests and abilities, though it is expected that the research will be purely computational and will fall into sub-areas in computational biology and bioinformatics such as biological networks, personal genomics, analysis of next-generation sequencing, cancer genomics and macromolecular structure. For specifics, see lab research areas. A step-by-step guide to learning about the lab for prospective postdocs is available .

The ideal applicant would have a PhD in bioinformatics and have already had some experience in one of the above-mentioned research areas. However, a non-biological background with strong training in another area of science (e.g., physics or CS) would also be appropriate. He or she would be very skilled in programming and using the computer to solve problems (e.g. experience with C/C++, R/matlab, python/perl, SQL, HTML/java and so on).

Contact information is available here. Applicants are requested to send a CV that includes a list of publications and details of 3 references. Normal e-mail is OK for all correspondence. However, copies of official documents may be necessary in paper form.

PhD Studentships in Bioinformatics at Yale

Students interested in bioinformatics should apply via the CBB track in the BBS program, being sure to indicate interest in this lab to enable proper routing of the application. More information through CBB Home Page and BBS Program.

Summer Jobs and Undergraduate Research positions

Click here for a list of positions available. Here's some general information for new undergraduates.