Summary of undergraduate involvement

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This page was created in the summer of 2021 by JC. It describes undergrad involvement in the lab since 1998 according to a variety of lab records. Due to the incompleteness of old records, these graphics are intended to give a general overview, not a strict analysis. A PDF of the graphics can be found here, and a .docx can be found here.

A few notes on some of the graphics:

  • Undergraduates in the lab per year: The estimated total number of undergrads for each year is calculated by combining the number of new undergrads for that year with a portion of the undergrads from the previous year. That portion is based on the number of undergrads expected to continue in the lab for more than one year.
  • Undergraduate involvement on publications: The darker line describes the number of undergrads involved in lab publications, whereas the lighter line describes the number of publications involving undergrads. For example, a publication that three undergrads worked on would count as three for the darker line, but only one for the lighter line.
  • Timeline of undergraduates in the lab: Each horizontal line charts a single undergrad's time in the lab from start date to end date. For those undergrads missing an end date in the records, an approximate end date was calculated according to the average number of months spent in the lab across all undergrads. There are two versions of this graph for the sake of legibility, as including all new undergrads in 2021 makes the graph more crowded.
  • Distribution of majors: The difference between the base Distribution of majors graph and the one highlighting double majors is in the way students who double major are counted. In the former, each major is counted separately, so a student majoring in CS and Math would count as one in the CS bin and one in the Math bin. In the (including double majors) version, that student would instead be in one of the highlighted double major bins (orange, purple, teal, or dark gray). In this case, the student would be in the orange bin since both CS and Math are math-related majors. The double major bin names can be understood by looking at the colors of single majors in the rest of the chart: all blue majors are math-related, all red majors are biology-related, and all green majors are other science majors.
  • Proportion of majors: This graphic comes from the same data as the Number of majors graphics, but each column is normalized. Note that double majors are counted here just as in Distribution of majors such that each major is counted separately.