From GersteinInfo
We have an ever-changing terminology in this lab. Refer to this glossary if you have any questions.
- "The Calendar" - this may mean:
- "GLCAL - Lab Events Curated by Lab Members" Google calendar
- "The Dropbox" - this may mean:
- the Gersteinlab-meeting-sync Dropbox share, which is the day's temporary repository
-, which is the ultimate destination of files in the Gersteinlab-meeting-sync Dropbox share
- the labdropbox Google drive, which is the mirror of meetings. This is mainly for MG's use.
- "The Github"
- "Group Meeting"
- Presentation of lab member or lab group research or topic of interest. Typically weekly. Everyone should attend.
- Historically, this was the P1 meeting but has become its own meeting.
- "I days"
- Stands for Interactive days. You should physically hang around in the lab.
- "Journal Cub"
- Presentation of a paper. Typically weekly.
- "Meetings"
- another word for
- "P1"
- The weekly meeting about the week's meetings. The "meta meeting." Everyone should attend.
- "Publicize it"
- Put the files in
- Instructions on how to do it are in
- "Slack"
- Our Slack group.
- "Sprint"
- The newly evolving name of P1.